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Marine Insurance

Your Shipping – Our Passion

Protect your cargo with Marine Insurance

The number one way to ensure you and your cargo are protected throughout the sea freight journey is marine insurance.

Freight shipment being damaged, get marine cargo insurance

Protect your cargo with marine insurance

The number one way to ensure you and your cargo are protected throughout the sea freight journey is marine insurance.

freight containers in the sea, hopefully the owners have marine insurance
sea freight in transit to demonstrate the importance of marine insurance

What is Marine Insurance?

Marine insurance protects importers and exporters shipping via sea freight. Sea freight forwarding isn’t as straightforward as placing your cargo on one ship and sailing from Point A to Point B. It involves a full journey of different vessels, terminals, and transfers.

So, marine insurance covers you in the unfortunate event of loss, theft or damage throughout all of these steps in the journey. It covers all types of marine cargo such as dry goods, chemical or pharmaceutical products, project cargo, full containers, and food and perishable goods.

Why opt in for Marine Insurance?

Liability is tricky

The personnel operating these vessels may be able to be held responsible for damage to your cargo in the unfortunate event of an at-sea issue. However, they may only be found to be legally liable or not liable at all. In this case, the financial loss will be your burden.

It’s a small investment for protection

There’s always another overhead — we get it. It is worth weighing up the value of the cargo you ship and the potential value and income you’d lose against the cost of marine insurance, though. Look at marine insurance as an investment in your protection.

Avoid disappointment

Sea freight forwarding is an amazing avenue for businesses who have time up their sleeves and are looking for a cost effective solution. However, in the scenario you lose all your cargo, you may then have to use air freight to get the cargo to suppliers on time. Avoid disappointment with marine insurance.

Financial Benefits

Due to the fast delivery of your cargo to your clients, air freight also allows fast collection of funds from your sales, aiding your business cash flow.

large container ship at sea full of cargo to illustrate marine insurance

How Gava Australia’s Marine Insurance works

It’s important to us that it’s simple for you to protect yourself. So, Gava Australia offer marine insurance you can opt in to. The major benefit of partnering with us for your marine insurance is that we have strong partnerships in the industry, allowing us to lower your premiums and any costs associated with claiming or recovering your cargo. We also offer insurance for cargo in transit by air and road, so you’re covered door to door.

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