Covid-19 Update: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod

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News and Events

Shenzhen Covid-19 Update Notice

COVID-19 Freight Update
15th March, 2022
Dear Valued Gava Customers,

COVID-19 infections have been reported in the city of Shenzhen in the Guangdong province. As a result, the authorities have decided to place the whole city under lockdown for 7 days to contain the spread of infections starting Monday, March 14th. 

Lockdown restrictions are listed below:
  • All non-essential business and services must close.
  • All non-essential workers must remain at home during the lockdown.
  • Only essential business and services will be allowed to operate. 
  • All adults must undergo three PCR tests before Sunday, March 20th. 
  • All public transportation is halted.

The effects of these restrictions shall see manufacturing in the region suspend production lines. Ports, terminals, and logistics services will continue to operate normally. However, the cargo imports or exports from Shenzhen will be seriously affected. The local trucking could be suspended this week, carriers may consider skipping calling Shenzhen for their vessel last minute, and factories nearby may also be required to close for a week.


Lockdown restrictions have a preliminary end date of March 20th. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide important updates as we receive them.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Gava Australia. For additional updates and information on the Latest News in the industry, please visit our new Gava Website


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